

Crystalline Water Soluble Fertilizers

Crystalline Water Soluble Fertilizers

Crops in modern agriculture must be equipped with the best dosages of nutritional elements, during the whole cultivational period, with the most effective way, without demoting the soil and water, which will be used later. Hydrolubrication and interfoliar nutrition, with INNOGEN's crystalline water-soluble fertilizers, maximize the digestability and output of the provided nutritional elements.

NPK Crystalline Water Soluble Fertilizers
with Chelated Micro-elements

NPK Water Soluble Fertilizers
with a strong package of Micro-elements & Biostimulants

NPK Crystalline Water Soluble Fertilizers
with Chelated Micro-elements

Water Soluble Fertilizers
of Potassium & Calcium Nitrate

Complex Crystalline Water Soluble Fertilizers with Chelate Micro-elements

NPK Water Soluble Fertilizers
with a strong package of Micro-elements & Biostimulants

Crystalline Water Soluble NPK Fertilizers with Micro-elements

Water Soluble Fertilizers
of Potassium & Calcium Nitrate
